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Open Source HW & SW - BLE + Sensors in a plastic enclosure with a clips. Build your proof of Co

IoT application development "Hardware Ready" SensiBLE 2.0 by SensiEDGE simplifies cloud connectivity, shortens time to market and accelerate Delivery of Industrialized IoT solution.

The SensiBLE v2.0

Introducing SensiBLE 2.0, a new portable BLE IoT module integrating BLE 4.2 and Cortex-M0 MCU single module SPBTLE-1S in a small form factor (17 x 40mm) powered by a rechargeable Li-Ion battery of 120mA.

SensiBLE 2.0 Packed with a variety of sensors such as:

APDS-9250 - ambient light sensor

VEML6075 - UV sensor

LPS25HB - pressure sensor

HTS221 - relative humidity sensor

MP34DT05-A microphone

LIS2DW12 - accelerometer

LIS2MDL - magnetometer

SensiBLE 2.0 Block Diagram

It features many sensors and so the device can be used as a digital compass, pedometer or to measure vibration levels. As well process motion and acceleration detection including free-fall, wakeup, highly configurable single/double-tap recognition, activity/inactivity, stationary/motion detection, portrait/landscape detection and 6D/4D orientation.


SensiBLE 2.0 runs on the all-in-one Bluetooth 4.2 module SPBTLE-1S from STMicroelectronics. This is a certified module that includes the BLE v4.2 stack and the low-power ARM® Cortex®-M0 32-bit core. It has been designed to leverage the BlueNRG-1 integrated DC-DC step-down converter in order to achieve low power consumption in active mode. The module runs at 32MHz, which is more than enough for most applications. In addition, the module has 160 KB of flash and 24 KB of embedded RAM with data retention.


SensiBLE 2.0 is fully

compatible with STBLESensor application (available for Android and iOS). This program makes it easy to read values and send them to Cloud.

Microsoft Developers can use ready windows desktop demo available in SensiEDGE GitHub SensiBleWindows, a unique SensiEDGE application for Windows.

SensiEDGE Windows

The source codes and SDK of both programs can be found on the GitHub, and its license allows designers to edit their source codes based on their individual requirements.

"SensiBLE 2.0 is a true IoT application accelerator".

SensiBLE 2.0 is an industrial-grade customisable solution for design engineers looking to design IoT products without getting involved in either hardware development or production logistics. A key benefit of SensiBLE2.0 is that it allows developers to focus on their own applications, domain expertise and core competencies, rather than the underlying hardware platform or production logistics when creating products for the IoT.

SensiBLE 2.0 <=> WearaBLE

As the name suggests, the most apparent transformation of the new system is its form factor. The original SensiBLE 2.0 had a cradle to support the sensor board, and a plastic case to house the solution in a wearable form factor.


The new WearaBLE completely revisits its approach and encapsulates everything in a plastic case to act as a WearaBLE function and measuring only 50 mm x 22 mm x 13 mm.

Entry and Pro Mode

If we had stopped there, the SensibLE 2.0 would already be an excellent tool for developers as it would allow them to create applications that weren’t possible before. However, in our desire to bring IoT to all, we are also shipping a software platform that offers two unique modes: Entry and Pro Mode. Entry mode provides a list of applications that tailor the SensiBLE 2.0 to various situations.

The user needs to launch STBLESensor iOS or Android APP and select among a list of tasks (Pedometer, Vibration monitoring, Data recorder, Environmental monitoring, Asset tracking, Level, Compass) to start taking advantage of the new module. Hence, people with absolutely no experience or coding knowledge can start using the SensiBLE 2.0 for asset tracking, predictive maintenance, motion sensors, and pattern recognition, making the SensiBLE 2.0 a genuinely unique system.

The PRO mode is more complex, and require an IDE to code it.

The SensiBLE 2.0 software Demo Code is available online and it can be easily customized.

Cool Game (iOS only) SensiEDGE Racing Game APP is available as well open source SDK for developers.

Many interesting Applications can be generating by using a PRO mode and developing a unique firmware.

SensiEDGE Datalogger

For example, it is possible to configure an AT25XE041B-MHN-T external FLASH memory located on the board to store sensor measures if a BLE connection is lost; when the connection is restored, all data received during this downtime can be transferred.

SensiBLE 2.0 is available from reputable distributors Arrow Electronics and Mouser. For more details, visit

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